Glasgow Police Pipers In Paris - Special (1952)

Paris, France. GV. Arc de Triomphe. SV. City of Glasgow Police Pipe band lined up in the Square in front of the Paris Prefecture of Police. CU. Scottish piper type. BGV. Ceremony in progress in Square. SV. Scottish pipers and British representatives lined up in front of memorial. AS. Memorial to fallen French Police. SV. Representative from the British Embassy laying wreath on memorial. LV. French police lined up in Square. SV. British Embassy representative steps back from memorial. CU. Wreath. LV. Pipers marching towards with Arc de Triomphe in background. CU. Pipers marching past camera. LV . Crowds in the Gardens of Luxembourg watching pipers. GV. Pipers marching towards in Square. SV. Pipers marching towards and counter-march. LV. Crowds applauding. . Pipers doing Scottish reel. . Pipers doing Scottish dance. SV. Finish of dance. CU. French child applauding. GV. Pipers finishing circle to play to crowds. SV. Drummers. SV. Two men listening to band. GV. Scottish pipers playing. CAS. Scottish
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