Bang | Dark! Clarke/Lexa (AU)

WATCH IN HD. »…Yeah your mojo witchcraft, Honey, it’s working on me...« Another Clexa video? Shocking, I know! I decided to go with a completely different idea and do Dark! Clexa. It was fun experimenting and challenging myself with these manips. Hopefully you all like it too! This is a Secret Santa video for ‎@anyabantik who I was so glad to have especially since she had Clexa on her wishlist (and so many other awesome wlw couples!)... Anya I hope you like this and hope you had a wonderful holiday! 💖 #viddingisart #fanvidfeed #Clexa ✧・゚Info&Media・゚✧ Song: PM Coloring: mysteriousx...darkness Dedicated to: anya bantik Backup: ​ Twitter: ​ Ask: ​ Tumblr: ​ Facebook: Instagram: ​ Skype: veronicaxsophia Discord: TaylorLynn127#2352
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