The transition to turbulence

Classic, yet beautiful fluid dynamics! This is the third entry in our series “Experiments in music“... and it’s going to be the last for some time: next video on Dec 6th from our studio! ↓ More infos and links in the description! ↓ ----------------------------------------­----------------------------- LINKS: French version: Subscribe to the channel : Follow us on Twitter : Visit our website: ----------------------------------------­----------------------------- RELATED ESPCI PARIS COURSE: Bico, J., Reyssat, M., Bremond, N., & Fermigier, M. Vélocimétrie laser : Étude du sillage d’un obstacle trapézoïdal. ~jbico/TP/L... ----------------------------------------­----------------------------- RELATED HISTORICAL ARTICLE: Reynolds, O. (1883). An Experimental Investigation of the Circumstances Which Determine Whether the Motion of Water Shall Be Direct or Sinuous, and of the Law of Resistance in Parallel Channels. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 174(0), 935–982. ----------------------------------------­----------------------------- CREDITS: Original footage: Hoon Kwon Guillaume Durey Original soundtrack: Julien Mazet Visual identity: Juliette Nier Theme music: Pierre David Written and produced by: Guillaume Durey, Mathias Kasiulis Directed and edited by: Hoon Kwon ----------------------------------------­----------------------------- The Lutetium Project is a PSL students’ initiative conducted as part of IDEX ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02 PSL and funded by: PSL Research University – ESPCI Paris – Espace des sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes – ESPCI Alumni – ----------------------------------------­-----------------------------
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