◾ According to an Australian medical veteran of the Army who is now volunteering in Ukraine, the missile who killed 18 people in

◾ According to an Australian medical veteran of the Army who is now volunteering in Ukraine, the missile who killed 18 people in a market on sept 6 and turned out to be Ukrainian it was a forbidden weapon designed to cause as much damage possible to civilians. ◾ According to this Australian newspaper Jurisevic conducted an investigation on sight and he himself attended the victims of the tragedy: - Damning evidence has emerged confirming the Russian military (it was a Ukrainian missile according to evidence fact checked by The New York Times) used outlawed flechettes – tiny steel nails with barbed tail fins deemed illegal by the Internat­ional Criminal Court – in its ­attack against civilians at a Ukrainian market that claimed 18 lives and left 55 people injured. ◾Click here for the original article. ◾Follow: ◾Polish President Andrzej Duda compared Ukraine to a drowning man who will take down those who are trying to help him. Duda explained Warsaw’s decision to extend the embargo on Ukrainian grain supplies using this comparison, noting that he was acting in the interests of Polish farmers. ◾Follow: Источник: Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed. [id342915501|@Youblacksoul]
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