Naginata, one of the oldest Budo arts around, gets a injection of energy with the passion and charm of @iamtheyin
She shares in Shugyō the basics of this amazing martial art.
Katie is part of @nynaginata
#修行武道人生 #武道 #居合道 #居合#剣道
#budocool #budoiscool #martialarts #Japaneseculture #yoshinproject #naginata #薙刀#なぎなた女子 #なぎなた #traditionalmartialarts #budobooks #martialartsbooks #traditionalmartialarts #budo #武道 #コロナに負けるな #コロナウイルスが早く終息しますように
1 view
11 months ago 00:05:20 1
Shugyo: Naginata in New York
3 years ago 00:08:41 18
Higo Koryu Naginata - Hirata Mayumi - 42nd All Japan Kobudo Demonstration