Aivars Kalējs: Deux madrigaux for soprano, flute and piano

Two madrigals / Divi madrigāli (2007) by Aivars Kalējs, version for soprano, flute and piano: 0:00 L’automne / Autumn / Rudens • Text – Victor Hugo • originally for chamber choir, flute, oboe, cello or piano (harpsichord) 1:53 Madrigal du printemps / Spring Madrigal / Pavasara madrigāls • Text – Amadys Jamyn • orig. for chamber choir, oboe and piano (harpsichord) Aivars Kalējs is a Latvian composer and organist. Studied with Nikolajs Vanadziņš, Ādolfs Skulte and Lūcija Garūta. He has written about 100 opus
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