Where Are My Whiskers? Can you Help Tom the Cat Find His Whiskers | Fun Animal Song by Little Angel
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My whiskers
Where are my whiskers
Are they in my milk
From when I was sippin’
Oh where could they be
Where could they be
My little whiskers
My missing whiskers
I think I see them
My little whiskers
Up on the shelf there
How do I get there
It so high
So very high
But they’re my whiskers
I gotta fix this
Hey you little mouse
Mouse: Squeak!
I don’t care that you’re in my house
I need to get my whiskers
And you’re just the guy to help
You’re good at climbing
I’m good at climbing
*teeth clenched together* And great at hiding
Oh I’m great at hiding
But never mind
Never mind
I need to find
You need to find
My little whiskers
Your little whiskers
Right little guy
I need you to climb really high
Up to that shelf
You see that green thing up there?
Can you