Byzantine chant: Lament for Constantinople: Ο Θεός ήλθοσαν έθνη/ O Lord the heathen are come

You like our content and you want to help us keep posting (you can donate as little as 1$ ): ---- Social media: ---- Twitter: Facebook: About the chant: ---- Fall of Constantinople, (29 May 1453). After ten centuries of wars, defeats, and victories, the Byzantine Empire came to an end when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in May 1453. The city’s fall sent shock waves throughout Christendom. It is widely quoted as the event that marked the end of the European Middle Ages. Ο Θεός ήλθοσαν έθνη translated as ’O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance’. Manuel Chrysaphes, the composer of this marvellous historical piece, which has been discovered at the beginning of the first world war, did not find more eloquent words than those of Psalm 78 in order to mourn in it the church of Aghia Sophia. #Byzantinechant #LamentforConstantinople This chant was performed by A
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