One year of my C++ SFML journey

If you are asking yourself how I did collision detection before knowing AABB or SAT this is what I developed back then (edit: link missing youtube didn’t like it ;*) My github - This guy taught me how to make videos - pozdrowienia dla emilsona ;)) #indiedev #sfml #cpp #coding #programming 0:00 Wprowadzenie 0:06 Oct 2020 The Block 0:17 Dec 2020 Dodge The Bullet Game 0:27 About 5 Dec 2020 Simple AABB Collision 0:38 Jan 2021 Platformer game 0:58 15 Jan 2021 360 shooter 1:08 25 Jan 2021 Bouncing Balls! 1:18 About 9 Feb 2021 Tried to understand how vertexes work 1:29 20 Feb 2021 Sorting Algorithm Visualization 1:41 Mar 2021 Simple Sandbox 1:55 Mar - 10 April 2021 Tried OpenG 2:13 June S2021 A* Pathfinding 2:27 July 2021 Rope simulation 3:02 Aug 2021 SAT Collision 3:15 Sep 2021 Platform Game test 3:33 Sep 2021 My first game prototype 3:58 15 Oct 2021 Some cool worm 4:13 Oc
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