● Pls watch in HD! ● headphones recommended!
Hey Guys,
so I’ve started to edit this in August.. hope it was worth the long ride :D It was time for a new Dany tribute anyway ^^ #GoT
Hope you like it!
I’ve decided to start live streaming :D idk when will I start but I’d like it soon to happen, it would be fun. Sometimes I’m gonna share a link where you can LIVE CHAT with me on Discord (at the beginning only this). So please follow my social media accounts for being informed about these events (I post mostly on facebook):
I may share those links on YT as well.
Have a nice day! :)
Special th
...anks for ImagineGraysons for helping my creativity!
● If you want to support my work:
(My Patreon page is being updated [rewards etc.])
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