My remix of sights and sounds recorded around Bhutan. ’Kadinchey’ in Bhutanese means Thank You. Enjoy!
NOTE: If you were a backer of this project on Kickstarter, you will be receiving your files shortly via e-mail, and your T-Shirts and USB drives will arrive through the mail within 5 working days.
Thank you so much for helping us get this project off the ground, everybody! We couldn’t have done it without you, and I think it serves as marvellous proof that our world remix concept has tremendous potential.
Valentin Cervellera
Rhys Waywood
Jargen Aaserud
David Kabisch
Johan Osted
Saren Lang
Omarr jon Oree II
Frederic Eayer
Gary Burke
Brendan Hayworth
Nathan Manzi
Mike Louth
Stephan Hookano
Christopher R. Smith
Marc Miller
Vicky Pierce
Volker Schramm
Forrest Sayrs
Denny Lindberg
Daniel Svensson
Steve Chapman
David Minguez