“Awaken Ignorance“ by KREHATED taken from the album ’The Venomous Mind’ available now! MIX & MASTER by Christian Svedin at Studio Haga. FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: ITUNES - SPOTIFY - AMAZON - =nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias=digital-music&field-keywords=krehated GOOGLE PLAY - WEBSITE - DIRECTION & VISUALS: David Andersson, Dennis Andersson & Johan Hallman ACTOR: Andreas Vrenning LYRICS: The more I see, the more I hear The more my mind gets infected The more I know the more I fear Grey blurry faces are surrounding me Anonymous ghosts that are but air to me The more I feel, the more I need The more my soul gets affected The more I know the more I fear No desire to be a part With this destructive art This
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