JCW BloodyMania V -

1. Superstar Bill Martel vs. Man of 1000 Gimmicks 2. Colt Cabana & Marshall Adam Pearce vs. 2 Tuff Tony & Weed Man 3. U-Gene aka Eugene vs. Zach Gowen 4. Breyer Wellington vs. Butler Jeeves 5. Tracey Smothers & Bull Pain vs. Madman Pondo & Necro Butcher vs. Sexy Slim Goody & Raven vs. Ring Rydas 6. Kongo Kong vs. Rhino 7. Amber O’Neal vs. Ring Girl Randy vs. Brittany Force 8. Rob Conway vs. Luke Gallows vs. X-Pac 9. Vampiro vs. Corporal Robinson
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