Vine branches and fruit2 Genesis 49:22

Vine branches and fruit2 Genesis 49:22 “Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall... As we examine Jacob or Israel’s prophecy concerning his sons Israel was about to go on to be with the Lord he shared prophetic revelation concerning each one of his sons has parents today we should be close enough in our relationship with God that we too can share prophetic Revelation concerning how offspring my prayer for each of us as parents may we maintain a close enough relationship with our creator that he may share the destinies of our children with us. Jacob called his sons: This was Jacob’s last significant act as a patriarch and as the heir to Abraham and Isaac. Here, he prophesied blessings upon each son, is the first conscious prophecy spoken by a man in the Bible. There were many prophecies announced by God (such as the promise of the triumph of the seed of the woman in Genesis 3:15), and other veiled prophecies by men, but this is t
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