How To Relax Into Your Authentic Self

Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are. Let’s talk about it! Kalyn’s Instagram ▹ If you want early access to videos, bonus checklists, join the yoga studio, come to community events, enter monthly challenges or have more cozy/motivational content be sure to join the channel & become a member ✨ Kalyn’s Books: Catcher [dystopian fiction] ▹ =cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_ND2283Y3PSS6R819JGYE Dancing With Elephants [poetry] ▹ =cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_1YY0TYZ5KT9TE6DM1HQF FEELS [self-development] ▹ =cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_4EJ7S7CFYBGE1K68GGW1 Disclaimer: I am not a mental health specialist, just a Canadian gal with an old soul who likes to crack the ice on deep conversations that can foster personal growth and positive change. ❤ This video is sponsored by eBay Check out
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