Sending Queenstown - George Brannigan vs Reece Potter - Tilt Shift Series - Episode #4

Previously I’ve mostly shot from tripod with prime lenses (no zooms) and I wanted to try out shooting something entirely handheld with only one zoom lens to see how this changed the way I shoot or the resulting film. Reece and George were pretty keen to shoot a dad-cam(ish) shreddit and so I kinda jumped in on this and said: well why don’t we shoot a handheld dad-cam style shreddit but one that actually looks good! And keeping in the theme of George’s wildly popular Motorhead shreddits, it had to be something really rock n’ roll for the music. Something that had great breakdowns and climaxes, making it good to cut to. It suits the handheld aesthetic as well. This track is one that I’ve been wanting to use for an edit for about 10 years since I discovered it. Over the years of listening to it I had collected a picture book of images in my head of shots I wanted to go in certain parts of the track and how they would be cut with the music. So when we went out shooting I knew exactly what types of shots I wanted
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