Greek War of Independence: Modern Greece is Born - History DOCUMENTARY

🖥️Support our channel and try Speakly free for 7 days: 🎁 Plus you’ll get a 60% discount if you join the Speakly annual subscription. Kings and Generals historical animated documentary series on the early modern history, as well as the history Greece and the Ottoman Empire continues with the second episode in our story of the Greek War of Independence, which gave Greece its new era of independence. In the first video () we talked about the reasons this revolt has occurred and what the life in the Ottoman Empire was like for the Greeks, while the second episode covered a number of battles, including Peta and Karpenisi and how these battles led to the internal strife among the Greeks and forced the Ottomans to send an armada from Egypt to attack the rebels, putting the revolution into peril (). Third episode talked about the Fall of Missolonghi and how the Greeks almost lost this war of independ
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