Experiment With Death: Bikini (1946)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. 18/07/1946? Title reads: “Experiment With Death“. American voiceovered newsreel material. Bikini, Marshall Islands. C/U as a metronome ticks away the last few seconds on board the battleship “Pennsylvania“, before the exploding of the atom bomb (number 4). A map shows the Bikini Atoll where the experiment is taking place. The aeroplane “Dave’s Dream“ starts up and takes off. M.P. Raymond Blackburn narrates the events as we see C/U’s of the crew looking tense. M/S elevated shot of U.S. sailors on board a ship, sitting on deck, shielding their eyes against the rays of the atom. C/U sailors adjust antiglare glasses over their eyes. VS onboard plane. A map shows an animation of the explosion. M/S of sailors onboard ship, they turn their backs to the glare as the bomb explodes. L/S of sailors lining the rails of the ship and watching the smoke as it rises. Various good shots of the explosion and mushroom cloud. More shots of the plane and th
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