The Paz Band - New - Live @ alt Studio HD

Video Made In the Alt Studio The Paz Band- Gal De Paz Motti Leibel Yuval Brusilovsky Or Kachlon Raz Blitzblau. Film Production & Editing - Nadav Ariel Camera Operators -Almog Gez, Nadav Ariel & Soof Nikritin Mix By- Or Kachlon Sound Engineer - Itay Alter Technical Engineer - Yaniv Edri Artistic Director - Yohai Yohanan Cohen Artistic Production & marketing - Sivan Oshrat. song written and composed by “The Paz Band“ lyrics: When I get myself in there I try not to think about the past I’ve been walking out on air, wondering how far can this thing blast And I’ve been saying Ooo, yeah, I think I’m in the right direction You, hay! can you feel this nice sensation I’m walking, walking in the right direction Free my body free my mind, let myself be what I’ve always been Everything’s so bright and loud, I can feel the world I’m crawling in And I’ve been sayi
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