Antonio Gades – Mirabrás 1974

TVE 1974 00:06 A mí qué me importa que un rey me culpe / CC Eng, Esp 02:25 [Juguetillos de Mirabrás] “A juguetillo (also called coletilla or estribillo) is a short verse tacked on the end of the main verse. In flamenco, a collection of verses are generally textually unrelated and this is usually true of the verse and the following juguetillo.” Mirabrás is a song related to the alegría, the romera and the caracoles. Its name comes, like the caracoles, from a refrain: “mira y verás” (look and see) = mira-brás. It is a flamenco adaptation of the songs popularized in Cádiz by the Liberal Courts and of the first liberal constitution of 1812. Its lyrics proclaim liberalism and independence from the king. Baile: Antonio Gades (Antonio Esteve Ródenas, 1936 Elda, Alicante – 2004 Madrid). Cante y guitarra - ? FLAMENCO playlist:
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