Welcome to my guide for the game Lego Alpha Team. Lego Alpha Team is a puzzle game released in 2000. The storyline of the game is simple. The Alpha Team, made out of 6 experts (Dash, Crunch, Radia, Charge, Cam and Flex) and 1 robot (Tee-Vee), has to stop their nemesis, Ogel, who will spread out a virus which will turn all Lego citizens into Skeleton Zombies. You have to complete every puzzle by letting the Alpha Team members run around the stage and activate the required switches to go to the next stages, and stopping Ogel. It is one of the few Lego games which is not related to any released Lego sets, though Alpha Team had its own series with special buildings and vehicles which never appeared in the game. This game has 57 “Missions“, including 51 Levels, 4 Tutorials and 2 Cutscenes. As the game was designed for young gamers, this game has a friendly environment (for example; characters will not die, but sits down and acts dizzy when failing a mission) but the game does raise its difficulty and the player may do stages over five times before he or she would know how to complete it. Despite that, if the player is stuck in a stage, he or she can use a hint, where the game places a chosen object the right way so the player could be able to finish the level. As the beginning of the game gives you movement tiles, the game will grant you new objects later on, to raise the difficulty. Ranged bombs, lasers, machines, electricity and even ropes are added in later parts of the game. Enemies will spawn, like spies who will follow the Alpha Team or lasers who can hurt the members, which will result in a failed stage. The player must “trial-and-error“ these in the level to find a way out and going to the next level.
In this video, I will showcase how to complete all 51 levels from this game. I do not showcase the tutorial and cutscene stages, since these would have no real value for this guide. Note that these are the normal solutions and there are some few levels who can be done else (though this was not on purpose, since you have to use all objects in the game). The language of the game is Dutch (The Netherlands).
I had plans to make this guide in August 2011, but I didn’t have enough time to finish it until now.
== INDEX ==
WORLD ONE “Original“
00:15 1. Mission 1 (Missie een)
00:52 2. On the Right Path (Op het goede pad)
01:27 3. The Hidden Hop (De verborgen hop)
02:09 4. The Which Way Ware House (Het spoor bijster)
03:12 5. The Triple Jump (Hink-stap sprong)
04:04 6. High and Low (Hoog en laag)
05:01 7. Sliding by (Glijden maar!)
06:05 8. The Trouble Tube (De Trouble Tube)
07:10 9. Crunch Time (Als puntje bij paaltje komt)
07:53 10. The Boom Room (Knalkamer)
08:38 11. Crisscross (Kriskras)
09:21 12. Yee-Haw, See-Saws! (Jiehaa, wippen!)
10:11 13. See-Saw Double Cross (Op en neer, heen en weer!)
10:53 14. Demolition Derby (Vernietings-derby)
11:45 15. Fill in the Blanks (Nog een paar kleinigheidjes)
12:25 16. Punch a Bunch of Punchers (Sla je slag)
13:22 17. Tag-Team Crossover (Wisselen van de wacht)
14:16 18. Trouble Train Depot (Trouble Train Station)
WORLD TWO “Mission Deep Sea“
15:40 19. Entrance to the Goo Caverns (Ingang naar de Goo Grotten)
16:21 20. See-Saw Laser Maze (Laserdoolhof vol wippen)
16:59 21. Mirror Madness (Spiegelwaanzin)
17:29 22. Mirror Mirror (Spiegeltje, spiegeltje)
18:06 23. Too Many Mirrors (Te veel spiegels)
18:33 24. You Know the Drill (Je weet wat je te doen staat)
19:13 25. Barrel Hop (Spring over vaten)
19:53 26. Confused (In de war)
20:38 27. Trouble Tube Twist (Trouble Tube Twist)
21:23 28. Hectic Electric (Hektisch elektrisch)
22:18 29. Pump Room Jump (Springen bij de pomp)
23:09 30. Have See-saw, Will Travel (Wip gevonden, nu op weg!)
23:54 31. Double Trouble (Dubbele ellende)
24:36 32. Turbo Relay (Turbo-estafette)
25:38 33. Second Step’s a Doozy (De ongelooflijke tweede stap)
26:41 34. Trouble Sub Rescue (Redding bij de onderzeeër)
28:03 35. Trouble Sub Docking Bay (Alle hens aan dek!)
28:57 36. Cam in Control (Cam is de baas)
29:32 37. Double Duty Charge (Charge heet het druk!)
30:16 38. Ejector Sector(Schietstoel)
31:08 39. Rescue Flex (De redding van Flex!)
32:12 40. Tug Team (Trekteam)
32:49 41. Drop Into Danger (Het gevaar induiken)
33:28 42. Computer Hop (Over de computers)
34:14 43. Dash’s Decoy (Dash’s valstrik)
34:58 44. The . Room (De DOOM-ruimte)
WORLD THREE “Mission Deep Freeze“
35:48 45. Arctic Dash (Poolmissie)
36:37 46. Crunch Punch (Crunch slaat z’n slag)
37:31 47. Rely on Radia (Reken op Radia!)
38:14 48. Charge in Charge (Charge neemt de leiding!)
39:04 49. Cam’s Challange (Cams uitdaging)
39:47 50. Featuring Flex (Hier komt Flex!)
40:19 51. Mission Control (Het controlecentrum)
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