The lyre of Mesopotamia is a reconstruction of the sample found by Sir Leonard Wooley from the Sumerian city of Ur which dates back to 4700 years ago. The lyre, whose vocal range is 5.1 octaves, is kept at the University of Pennsylvania.
Two samples of this musical instrument have been reconstructed by Seyfolah Shokri. The first one was ordered by the United Nations in 2009, and it was presented to the representatives of the United Nations at a ceremony. The second one – as you can see in this clip – was ordered by Parviz Shahcheraghi in 2014.
Reconstruction of the instrument: Seyfolah Sho
Composer and Player: Rabe Zand
Director: Hamed Ahmadi
Camera: Vahid Golriz
Edit: Farhad Najafi-Fard
Photographer: Niloufar Frahmand
Assistant Cameraman: Omid Kyani and Hamid Najafi
Produced in: Studio Beel
Produced by the order of: Parviz Shahcheraghi
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