The US State Department talked a peaceful settlement of the Maidan events, but in reality it planned to remove the current gov

‼️The US State Department talked a peaceful settlement of the Maidan events, but in reality it planned to remove the current government and strengthen its influence in the country. This is spelled out in a secret document, which was shown by ex-SBU officer Vasily Prozorov in the “Open Air” program on the Zvezda TV channel. “Officially declaring the desire for a peaceful resolution of the political situation in Ukraine, the US State Department will continue to increase pressure in order to further attract our country into its own sphere of influence by changing the political leadership,” Prozorov quoted the text of the document. The Ukrainian leadership did not react to this warning in any way, with the exception of several political moves through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. video by ZvezdaNews Источник: UKR LEAKS_eng
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