Mozart: The Prussian Quartets

The King of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm II, was a good amateur cellist, and it is to him that Mozart’s next three string quartets are dedicated. Artists: Franz Schubert Quartet of Vienna; Florian Zwiauer (violin I), Helge Rosenkranz (violin II), Hartmut Pascher (viola) & Vincent Stadlmair (cello) 💎 Listen to this album on Spotify: 🎵 Online purchase or streaming (Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music): 🎬🎮 Our music is available for sync licensing in videos, films, tv-shows, advertising and more. For more information and to request a license go to: The cello plays a prominent part in these three quartets, with some innovative techniques, which may have stretched the royal cellist a little! The composition of this set was begun against the backdrop of the French Revolution in 1789, and the Dup
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