I-no Character Breakdown | Overview, Pressure, and Combos | Guilty Gear Strive
Updated combo list:
J.k 2K 2D Note
2k 6HS 236HS
236HS (CH) microwalk 6H 236HS
236HS non-ch: 5s 236S 5k 214k
236S (CH) 5s 236S 5k 214L
5H/2H (CH) 236HS 5s 236S
J.k(blocked) j.d 236HS break j.s HCL (midscreen)
6P 236S
2k 236HS 214K 6H 236HS
2k 236HS 214K 6H tk (break) j.s 5s (wall break ender)
Unsure if optimal:
AA 5S j.s j.s 236HS
5s 236S 66RC 66 j.d 5s j.d j.s j.s 236S (no break)
Near corner:
5s 236S 66RC 66 j.d 5s j.d 236HS break j.s HCL (break)
J.k(blocked) j.d 236HS break j.s s divekick?
00:00 Overview
03:12 Pressure
05:25 Combos
06:57 Normals
Edited by Caste -
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