GameCube Longplay [017]

Played by: Kuukunen was part of Capcom Five a set of five games made for GameCube by Capcom and overseen by Shinji Mikami. This game was arguably the least succesful of them, except maybe for Dead Phoenix which never got released. Its very bare bones and repetitive. Mikami himself said he wouldve wanted to spend more time on it before release. Still, I personally quite like it and find enjoyment from the simplicicty. The gameplay has some interesting aspects to it. Its a third person shooter, but you cant shoot while moving. The game is a lot about learning the behaviour of each enemy, po...sitioning and timing the dodging moves. I played it on normal difficulty once before recording this on easy, and I was tempted to play it on normal, because a lot of the games appeal is in the difficulty. However, for a viewer what it mostly means is enemies just take longer to kill and more deaths for me. And the game is repetitive enough as it is. I did manage to die twice in the final boss, though, but those were edited out. I played some of the trial missions, but I didnt play through all of them because it would make the game at least twice as long, probably more. (Theres five new ones between each main mission.) The trial missions are even more repetitive than the main game, they consist only of rooms already seen in the main missions, just repeated over and over and over again. Theyre good for grinding if you need to get points (money) though. The game also has a big bunch of different special attacks, but showing them all would require buying them first. So the game is enjoyable, but only to a small audience who can get over the downsides and really love the core gameplay. The overall feeling of the game reminds me a lot of God Hand, also directed by Mikami, and shares a lot of elements, including emphasis on timing of dodges, similar level of simplicity and bare-bonedness of presentation. - Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!
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