Reg Harris Wins Cycle Race (1950)

Unissued / unused material. Item transferred is identical to UN 2267C. Cyclist Reg Harris wins the Great Prize of Amsterdam, Holland (Netherlands). M/S sprint cyclists Jan Derksen and Harris - in light vest - at start of second half final. M/S Harris in the lead, he crosses the finishing line. M/S crowd. M/S Arie Van Vliet and Harris fighting out last spring in the final. Harris resists Van Vliet’s final dash and crosses line the winner. Burgomaster D’Ailly of Amsterdam places sash around Harris’ neck. Date given on old record is 03/07/1950. According to original dope sheet UN 2267 E should be item titled “Marshall Plan in Action“. This item may have been transferred with different UN number. Dope sheet shot list reads as follows: MARSHALL PLAN IN ACTION. (Le Havre, Denmark and France) Le Havre: LS. docks and quayside at Le Havre. CU. Large hook with wire attached for hauling large press sent from America. MS. The press on a truck. CU American insignia on side of press. MS The p
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