We can live without a lot of things in life - water is not one of them. Water is life. A lifelong advocate and champion for protecting clean water, Tulsi Gabbard talks with Rob McQueen (Waves for Water) about the challenges threatening our water resources in America and the world, and the incredible work Waves For Water is doing to bring sustainable solutions and fresh water to communities around the planet when they have none. The mission began with a surfer’s vision to help others. Now, they’re empowering veterans who are saving lives by the thousands. You’ll love the heartwarming backstory
...about this “guerrilla humanitarianism” that won’t let an inch of red tape or bureaucracy stand in their way.
0:00 Intro
1:15 Introducing Rob McQueen/How Tulsi Met Rob
6:40 The Mission of Waves for Water (Non-Profit Organization)
9:03 Red Hill Fuel Storage Leaking into Water in Hawaii
14:15 The Biggest Challenges to Waves for Water
18:16 The Water Systems Waves for Water Uses
19:08 How Waves for WShow more