I Increased My Productivity 10x - By Turning My Life Into a Game

When I was younger I used to play a lot of video games. But as I grew older, they started taking too much time from my other activities. For this reason, I started to gradually reduce the time I spent playing them, until I eventually quit. But recently, I decided to incorporate some more down time into my schedule. And I gave video games another shot. This is when I remembered just how fun video games can be. It wasn’t long before I was looking forward to the end of the day, just so I could hop on the computer and play. But this also got me wondering. What exactly made those games so compelling? And could I somehow apply those game elements to other areas of my own life to make them more desirable? This is what I’ve learned. Ending song:  Whitesand - Alchemy of Life You can find it here: Images © Piers Baker
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