Persona 3 Portable | New Gameplay Today

Persona 3 released in North America in 2007 on PlayStation 2 and was a mild hit. The dark, teen drama RPG had a niche audience, but those who found the game adored it. The game received a special edition release with added in content in 2008 with FES, and was then re-released a third time for PSP in 2010 with the most added content, but some modifications made to run on Sony’s handheld platform. Persona 4 followed – again a mild hit – but then Persona 5 came along and cemented the franchise’s reputation as one of the best RPGs ever made. Fans who discovered the series with 5 have wanted to figure out what they’ve been missing out on, and longtime players have been demanding the re-release of 3 so that a larger audience could play what many call their favorite. After arguably too long, Atlus is finally ready to make that happen with the re-re-re-release of Persona 3 on modern consoles January 19. Join Kyle Hilliard and Wesley LeBlanc as they look the game’s first true dungeon and chat about perhaps the most controversial Persona game in the series. // S U B S C R I B E Don’t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage! Subscribe to the channel: // FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | // READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for $: 1 Year Physical Subscription for $: // M E R C H Show off your love for Game Informer – Stickers, phone cases, mugs, and t-shirts:
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