We Are The Nutcases! - Teal Swan

Created by Intrinsic Luminary / @TealSwanTribe (This video was not put together by Teal’s team or Teal herself) About Teal: «Teal Swan’s mission is the transformation of human suffering to an empowered and authentic life. Her deepest intention is to set people free. Teal was born with a range of extrasensory abilities, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. It was because of these abilities that she ended up being targeted to become a victim of abuse.» In her own words: «‘Without the abuse and suffering I experienced, I would be someone who could give you a lot of esoteric information about the universe at large, but who would have no real grasp on the reality of human suffering or how to heal it. I would have only had ½ of the picture of human existence. The gift of my own suffering is that I now have the full picture and that has drastically changed both what I teach and the way that I teach.’» «Teal Swan is not recommended for those who simply
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