Best Google Maps Data Scraper 2024 - Extract all business data + emails! (Free Plan Included)

PhantomBuster Free Trial: Free Consultation Call: Are you looking for a Google Maps scraper that enables you to scrape local business results from Google Maps and extract additional information such as email addresses, phone numbers and social media profiles? If so, in this video I will introduce you to PhantomBuster, an easy to use, fully automated, and cloud-based scraper that I use to scrape Google Map search results. You simply need to enter a search keyword or a Google Map search URL, select how many results you would like to scrape, choose additional data that you would like to retrieve from each business website, click a button and let it run! You can even provide a list of keywords or search URLs in a Google Sheet, so you don’t have to re-activate the scraper multiple times. This really helps because Google Maps has a 120 results limit per search. All results can be exported to a CSV fil
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