LIEN BU Boxing(Lian Bu Quan) and Short Stick( Tai Shi Bian)
Tong Bei Mantis (Tong Bei Tang Lang )
Here are two forms to introduce the Tong Bei. The first is a very tight version of the famous Lien Bu Quan (аist related steps) used in many styles, Northern Shaolin for instance, as the primary set to introduce basics.
LBQ is also known as Dragon Fist and is quite famous.
This is followed by the short Tiger stick set which uses the 13 Palm stick.
Demonstrator: Li Guo Xiong.
Tong Bei Tang Lang is a much lesser know style of the Mantis school. To some the union of the two might not be very propitious. However, through careful selection of techniques of Tong Bei (as contributed to the Ba Bu Mantis) those Long Art features which did not clash with the Mantis theory were selected. We should never forget that Long Arm training is often madatory in different Mantis styles and, indeed, the style itself came from Long Fist.
#chinesemartialarts #tanglangquan #wushu
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