Семинар. Разрушение на Древнем Ближнем Востоке: Месопотамия, Хаттуса, Египет...
The Graduate Symposium in Ancient Near Eastern Studies is an annual conference organized specifically for graduate students currently engaged in the study of the Ancient Near East. This year, the conference is hosted by Brown University, and co-ordinated by Zachary Rubin (Brown University), Evelyne Koubková (Yale University), and Andrew Deloucas (Harvard University).
Originally a medical term referring to the tearing asunder of bodily tissue, disruption has come to refer to radical transformations in society and the uncertainty that sets in as a result. But disruptions do not have to be inherently negative experiences: as old systems fall into disarray, new, innovative systems may emerge in their place. Indeed, innovations can be causes of disruptions themselves. As such, we invite students to use diverse methodological and theoretical approaches to engage with disruption in the ancient Near East. Case studies and more general perspectives are both welcome. In addition, we urge our presenters a