Asians Were Skinny On Rice For 1000s Of Years - Then Things Went Terribly Wrong - Doctor Explains
Asians Have Been Skinny On Rice For Thousands Of Years - Then Things Went Terribly Wrong. White rice, brown rice, Basmati rice, Jasmine rice, etc all bring thoughts of Asian foods from China or India because most Asian diets have some rice. But then we hear that carbs in rice make you gain weight, so how can people in Asia be so skinny?
You are going to learn if what you believe to be true is really true. are the Asians really still thin or has a different reality caught up with them as well. There is also a nutritional comparison between white rice and brown rice. What is the difference and which is better for you stay healthy and lose weight.
📚 Book mentioned in the video:
📘 Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
by Hans Rosling , Anna Rosling Rönnlund , et al.