Recumbent Trike Canopy Installation, 2016-10-02, Custom Velo-Trike, Velomobile

00:00 Part #1: Day 1, Understanding the chassis 08:58 Part #2: Day 2, Experimenting with canopy mounts plus views of Mike’s BD-5 jet aircraft molds and his VariEze home-built kit aircraft 27:14 Part #3: Day 3, Fitting, tuning & testing the canopy The Orchard Music licensing flagged this video Oct 2 BEFORE it was ever played on YouTube. It remained there until Nov 3: “Hi LogNotching, Good news! After reviewing your dispute, The Orchard Music has decided to release their copyright claim on your YouTube video. Video title: “Recumbent Trike Canopy Installation, 2016-10-02, Custom Velo-Trike, Velomobile“ - The YouTube Team “ If you want a good music distributor who honors licensing by others, select SMART SOUND.
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