Barry Gibb - Victim

THE KID’S NO GOOD - 1970 Barry began recording his solo album with four songs including ’’VICTIM’’. They went onto 2-inch 16-track tape, very early use of this new format. Robin and Maurice continued to use 8-track, and even the Bee Gees album later this year was made on 8-track. The personnel are not known, other than Barry on lead and backing vocals and guitar, and Bill Shepherd handling the orchestral accompaniment. Since he started with it, Barry may have already chosen the country weepy ballad ‘I’ll Kiss Your Memory’ as his first single. ‘Victim’ picks up the pace a little while ‘Moonlight’ is a classic Italian crooner ballad appropriately recorded later by Jerry Vale. Only the first two of these made the cut for his album. Both the others were placed with other artists. Barry quickly recorded five more songs just days later. He must have had all these prepared as demos before he went in. If so he had saved three outstanding ones for this date. ‘Mando Bay’, ‘Born’
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