Richard Youngs 2010-10-30 Happy Wellington

All compositions (C) Richard Youngs except Sky (c) Morley Russell Yeats Performance (P) Richard Youngs Camera, Sound recording, Cam Bennett AltMusic presented Richard Youngs 2010 NZ Tour, live at actual underground music venue, Happy, downstairs from Tory St. There’s not many gigs when the people stop talking, this is such a mesmerising solo performance that at the end the stunned audience is unable to raise a clap. Happy was tiny, 150 people was SRO, less than 100 there for this, it’s Wellington so I guess they were sitting on the floor, I don’t remember, I can’t tear my eyes off Mr Youngs. Gigs aren’t ever this good and the crowd and the heat and noise pressure are unrecorded, your memory is fudged, but this was a great performance and here is video evidence to support it.
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