A playthrough of Mr. Anonymous’s 2013 unlicensed fighting game for the Nintendo Virtual Boy, Hyper Fighting.
0:53 Arcade mode w/Ken
22:20 Survival mode w/Blanka
35:31 Arcade mode w/Ben
54:01 Training mode w/Vega
With the exception of the Nintendo 64 and Wonderswan, a Street Fighter or SF-adjacent title has made an appearance on pretty much every viable platform since the 16-bit generation. Capcom has never been shy about milking their franchises when there’s a quick buck to be made, so it doesn’t bode well for a console’s chances when they say, “Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.“ The Atari Jaguar, Apple Pippin, Bandai Playdia, NEC PC-FX, and Zeebo all wave a tear-stained hello.
The Virtual Boy went similarly neglected until someone known as Mr. Anonymous stepped in and showed it a merciful bit of kindness. In 2013, gaming’s Dobby finally got his sock in the form of “Hyper Fighting,“ a 32-megabit homebrew remake of Street Fighter II.
The thought of a fan-made fighting game for a stereoscopic 3D headset from the mid-1990s didn’t exactly fill me with optimism, but my curiosity was as piqued as my expectations were tempered. You guys know how much a glutton I am for punishment.
But wow, I’m not often this excited to be proved so wrong! Hyper Fighting includes all twelve of Street Fighter II’s world warriors (and an original secret character), complete with their signature movesets, stage themes, voice samples, and portrait art. It’s obvious that a great deal of effort was poured into this, and even though it never quite shakes the homemade feeling, it looks and sounds good, and it plays well. It even features support for SNES controllers using an adapter!
The full version of the game was made available to download for free back in 2019, so if you want to try it out yourself with an emulator or flash cart, you can find the ROM and manual over at
No cheats were used during the recording of this video.
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