One Hour of Music - Resist the US and Aid Vietnam (抗美援越)

中国七亿人民是越南人民的坚强后盾 | 700 triệu nhân dân Trung Quốc là hậu thuẫn vững chắc của nhân dân Việt Nam 0:00 - 解放南方 / Giải phóng miền Nam (Liberate the South) 1:30 - 忘我为人民 / Vì nhân dân quên mình (Selfless Devotion to the People) 3:05 - 歌唱边和大捷 / Hát mừng chiến thắng Biên Hòa (Sing of the Great Victory at Bien Hoa) 4:12 - 缝衣曲 / Bài ca may áo (Song of Sewing) 6:06 - 在千里道路上 / Trên đường thiên lý (On the March of Thousand Miles) 8:46 - 阮文追的呼声响亮 / Nguyễn Văn Trỗi vọng mãi lời anh (Nguyen Van Troi’s Resounding Voice) 10:47 - 寄北方 / Gửi về miền Bắc (My Thoughts for the North) 15:59 - 不屈的西原 / Tây Nguyên bất khuất (The Unyielding Tay Nguyen [Central Highlands]) 18:19 - 越南南方解放军进行曲 / Khúc quân hành (March of the South Vietnam Liberation Army) 19:51 - 同志们,前进 / Tiến lên hỡi các đồng chí (Onwards, Comrades!) 21:07 - 青年三准备 / Thanh niên Ba sẵn sàng (Young People Get Ready for Three Revolutionary Tasks) 23:48 - 誓死保卫祖国 / Thề quyết bảo vệ Tổ quốc (Defend Our Country to the Death) 25:07 - 并肩前进 (Moving Forward Side by Side) 26:49 - 中越人民肩并肩 (The Chinese and Vietnamese People Stand Shoulder to Shoulder) 28:42 - 中国越南在一起 (China and Vietnam are Together) 30:39 - 美帝国主义从越南滚出去 (US Imperialism, Get Out of Vietnam) 33:31 - 南海风暴打打打 (The South Sea Storm Strikes) 34:55 - 美国兵是废货 (American Soldiers are Trash) 36:13 - 反对美帝扩大战火 (Oppose the US Imperialist Escalation of the War) 37:15 - 坚决消灭美国强盗 (Determined to Eliminate the American Bandits) 38:41 - 绿色的丛林—绿色的海洋 (Green Jungle - Green Ocean) 43:21 - 南越是座大火山 (South Vietnam is a Volcano) 46:59 - 红日快快照遍全越南 (The Red Sun Will Soon Shine Throughout Vietnam) 49:38 - 胜利在望 (Victory is in Sight) 51:17 - 欢呼越南人民的伟大胜利 (Hail the Vietnamese People’s Great Victory) 53:31 - 中越人民友谊之歌 (Song of Friendship Between the Chinese and Vietnamese People) 56:16 - 中越友谊万古长青 (China-Vietnam Friendship Lasts Forever) 58:12 - 越南-中国 (Vietnam-China)
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