one very fast tofu delivery boi | Forza Horizon 4

When you have tofus to deliver in 10 minutes or less, you get out the AE86 Hachiroku Trueno with 1600hp in your Forza Horizon 4 fantasy. Supporting the famous 藤原とうふ店 (Fujiwara Tofu Shop) sticker from Initial D, this one piece no roll cage demon of an AE86 made from the base of Keiichi Tsuchiya’s AE86 is one hella fast car. We’re messing around with our second Forza Horizon 4 Toyota and doing some FH4 Customization to build a 1600 Horsepower Toyota AE86. Drifting and Racing in Forza? You got it. Downhill races? Count me i- You can say “KANSEI DORIFTO?“ everyday with this bad boy. Songs Use...d: MERCH: Any problem with the video? Music? Contact Deoxide by emailing to his email NotDeoxide@ My Social Media: Instagram: @NotDeoxide Twitter: @NotDeoxide Discord Server: -Deoxide
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