Ahadi kills Uru!

Young Simba = Mufasa Young Kovu = Taka/Scar Adult Mufasa = Ahadi All the lionesses in this video xD (mostly Sarabi) = Uru Storyline Taka teases his father for the last time and Ahadi looses control of his anger, he threatens to attack Taka. Uru protects her cub and says “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!“ “IS THAT A CHALLENGE!?“ Ahadi yells back, he scars Taka and hits Uru, and (accidentally) kills her. :( Mufasa screams “nooo!“ and Taka whimpers in horror. As Mufasa cried Ahadi said “LETS GO HOME! and he storms off. Uru’s ghost looked down on them with sorrow as Ahadi hangs his head in guilt and sadness, he had finally realised what he’d done. What do you think? Anyone want me to make more Taka/Mufasa vids?? Just say if u do! I don’t own any of the images, video or audio used! Music-30 seconds to Mars-Hurricane Clips-the lion king 1 and 2 I OWN NOTHING! Except the editing.
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