Pajka, KA bayonets, sharpening stones, M3S trucks? Sound familiar? They will do if you play DayZ. Have you ever seen them, or many of the other Dayz staples, in real life? Well, where I live it’s like living in Chernarus on a daily basis - and many loot items, vehicles and terrain features are everyday staples out here. But each has its own little twist - to protect Bohemia Interactive from copyright claims, perhaps? Or just to add a bit of a fantasy twist to a dark, zombie-filled apocalyptic socialist wasteland?
Join me as I introduce you to some things you’re used to seeing or dealing with i
...n game, but in real life form.
Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions on what else you’d like to see from real world DayZ...
Recommended server - Non-Toxic PVE Banov (also their Deer Isle server). No gas and lots of cool mods
Filmed with a Panasonic Lumix FZ300/FZ330 with a Polaroid UV location in the Carpathian Mountains.Show more