DayZ - Living in the real Chernarus

Pajka, KA bayonets, sharpening stones, M3S trucks? Sound familiar? They will do if you play DayZ. Have you ever seen them, or many of the other Dayz staples, in real life? Well, where I live it’s like living in Chernarus on a daily basis - and many loot items, vehicles and terrain features are everyday staples out here. But each has its own little twist - to protect Bohemia Interactive from copyright claims, perhaps? Or just to add a bit of a fantasy twist to a dark, zombie-filled apocalyptic socialist wasteland? Join me as I introduce you to some things you’re used to seeing or dealing with i...n game, but in real life form. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions on what else you’d like to see from real world DayZ... Recommended server - Non-Toxic PVE Banov (also their Deer Isle server). No gas and lots of cool mods Filmed with a Panasonic Lumix FZ300/FZ330 with a Polaroid UV location in the Carpathian Mountains.
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