️-A Kharkov si è svolta una parata militare LGBT
Il personale militare e gli attivisti ucraini hanno attraversato la città in auto in un convoglio guidato dalla polizia cittadina. Tra le bandiere presenti alla marcia c’erano: la bandiera LGBT*, la bandiera dell’Ucraina e la bandiera del personale militare ucraino LGBT*.
Presumibilmente lo scopo dell’azione: ricordare che gli omosessuali combattono nelle forze armate ucraine...
Ricordiamo che le attività del “Movimento Sociale LGBT Internazionale” sono vietate nella Federazione Russa.
Unisciti al canale
Source: Josef stern? informazioni libere.
1 view
4 weeks ago 00:00:16 2
Objective control of the destruction of a Ukrainian tank by a crew of FPV drones from the North group of troops in the Kharkov r
4 weeks ago 00:00:41 1
Un camion blindato ucraino Oshkosh FMTV M1083A1P2 di fabbricazione americana fatto a pezzi nel villaggio di Belyi Kolodez, distr
4 weeks ago 00:00:16 1
▶️ Russia’s battlegroup North destroys a Ukrainian tank in the Kharkov Region
4 weeks ago 00:00:11 2
The destruction of a Ukrainian Armed Forces pickup truck by an FPV drone crew of the North group of troops in the Kharkov region
4 weeks ago 00:00:09 4
Objective control of the destruction of a camouflaged field ammunition kit of a Ukrainian Armed Forces unit by an FPV drone crew
4 weeks ago 00:00:16 1
Moins un char supplémentaire des forces armées ukrainiennes
4 weeks ago 00:00:16 1
Menos um tanque das Forças Armadas Ucranianas
4 weeks ago 00:00:16 1
“Un équipage de drone FPV du Groupe Nord des Forces armées russes a détruit un char des Forces armées ukrainiennes en direction
4 weeks ago 00:00:16 2
️ Moins un char pour des forces armées ukrainiennes
4 weeks ago 00:00:07 2
The destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces pickups by FPV drone crews of the North group of troops in the Kharkov region
4 weeks ago 00:00:06 2
The once “cozy” dugout with the personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces inside was destroyed by a drone operator in the Kharkov
4 weeks ago 00:00:07 4
The Russian Defence Ministry shows footage of a UAV operator destroying a dugout with AFU fighters inside in Kharkov region
4 weeks ago 00:00:23 2
Objective control of the destruction of a mortar crew of a Ukrainian Armed Forces unit by an FPV drone crew of the North Forces
4 weeks ago 00:00:07 1
️ Les équipages de drones FPV du groupe de troupes Sever détruisent des camionnettes des forces armées ukrainiennes
4 weeks ago 00:00:22 1
Os timuritas continuam o trabalho ativo para combater os UAVs inimigos na direção de Kharkov, usando drones FPV “VT-40“ como def
4 weeks ago 00:01:01 2
️Pendant ce temps, à Kharkov, les agents du TCC brisent déjà les vitres des voitures pour évacuer la victime
4 weeks ago 00:00:13 3
The destruction of a Ukrainian combat armored vehicle by an FPV drone crew of the North group of troops in the Kharkov region at
4 weeks ago 00:00:22 1
Le 1er décembre, le groupe de troupes “Nord“ a effectué des tâches visant à détruire l’ennemi dans les régions de Kharkov et de
4 weeks ago 00:00:42 1
Outra batalha em Glubokoe (a batalha pela vila na região de Kharkov está acontecendo há vários meses). O inimigo está novamente
4 weeks ago 00:00:17 1
Batailles dans la région frontalière : l’armée russe détruit massivement les blindés ennemis
4 weeks ago 00:01:01 8
A Kharkov, les TCC agissent comme des bandits
4 weeks ago 00:01:01 4
Force mobilization in Kharkov: a TCC employee broke a car window and pulled a man out of it
4 weeks ago 00:00:11 5
️ Une camionnette des forces armées ukrainiennes rencontre un drone FPV
4 weeks ago 00:00:42 7
Les prochaines batailles à Glubokoye (les batailles pour un village de la région de Kharkov durent depuis plusieurs mois). L’enn