People are searching for solid foundations. They are dealing with a lot of information and a lot of data, and they just don’t know how it all holds together. Genesis has a blueprint for this very thing, and it is in the opening phrase, “In the beginning, God . . .”
New show has landed: Truth in 10.
Relevant wisdom from scripture, one thought at a time... in 10 minutes (ish…) or less. The first series is “The Genesis Blueprints”—starting at Genesis 1:1.
Martyn Iles is an Australian lawyer, commentator, and preacher living in the USA. He is Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis, a larg
...e Christian apologetics and education ministry well-known for its famous Ark Encounter and Creation Museum attractions in Northern Kentucky which are visited by 1.5 million people each year. From 2018–2023, Martyn was the managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby, one of Australia’s largest political movements.
Learn more about Martyn Iles:Show more