P51 Mustang and Messerschmitt Bf109 - A Comparision
Comparing the North American P-51D Mustang vs. the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 in Picture, Sound and Motion. I also added some Info on both WW2 Fighters now in red bigger letter for a better read.
0:00 Bf-109 Startup
0:22 Bf-109 Taxi
1:15 P-51D Mustang Startup
1:53 Bf-109 going Runway
2:17 P-51 Mustang Takeoff
2:43 Bf-109 Takeoff
3:06 P-51D Lowpass
3:24 Bf109 Lowpass
3:42 Both Planes Flying
5:01 P51 Landing
5:39 Bf109 after Landing
6:27 P-51D Taxiing
7:52 Outro