Luca Guadagnino, Taylor Russell & Chloë Sevigny on Bones and All | NYFF60

Director Luca Guadagnino and actors Taylor Russell and Chloë Sevigny discuss Bones and All, a Spotlight selection of this year’s festival, moderated by NYFF Executive Director, Eugene Hernandez. In a startling, star-making performance, Taylor Russell plays Maren, a teenager who has just moved to a small town in Virginia with her father (André Holland). However, it’s only a matter of time before the frightening secret Maren harbors is revealed and she must hit the road again—on her own. Soon, she meets another young drifter, Lee (Timothée Chalamet), who understands her more than anyone she’s ever met, and the two set out on a cross-country journey, satiating their dangerous desires and reckoning with their tragic pasts. Adapting a novel by Camille DeAngelis, director Luca Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name) has crafted a work of both tender fragility and feral intensity, setting corporeal horror and runaway romance against a vividly textured Americana, and featuring fully inhabited support
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