North & South 128k (1989 / 128k +3 re-crack) Walkthrough (Hardest level) + Review, ZX Spectrum

Huge playlist archive with games from 1982-1992: Many more games from the 80s can be found here: Racing games: AY / GFX improved games: This version features tons of extra stuff compared to the tape version. It is the 3 version converted to Beta Disk with an extra loading screen and the bug in Kempston joystick fixed. This walkthrough shows all the game has to offer. This Beta Disk version made by Triumph and Goodboy in 2005 can be downloaded here: This is not in the tape version: - Battlefield 2: 5:15 - Battlefield 3: 7:27 - South attack animation: 4:13 - North attack animation: 5:08 - Headquarter / fort attack animation: 14:45 - Train attack game: 12:53 - Animated ending: 28:44 Walkthrough Main Points: -
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