【大好きなちゅんちゃんへ】Hand in Hand 踊ってみた【愁-syu-】 - Niconico Video sm37471881

Happy birthday Chun-chan! !! !! When Satoshi Chun celebrated her 1st anniversary, Chun-chan danced Hand in Hand, I was so happy that I also danced to Chun-chan. Then, wearing a matching dress, I tried to stuff my memories from the time I met Chun-chan! Chun-chan is a hard worker, very straightforward, and I don’t get tired of seeing her emotions immediately, and she enjoys things with all her might, so I’m really glad I met her. I tried to dance from now on, but I danced the song I wanted to dance Let’s keep doing what we want to do happily! \ (^ O ^) / Let’s watch Bachun-chan enjoying herself next to her! !! !! ちゅんたのTOより ☆楽曲本家様:kz様(watch/1436252961)  ☆振付本家様:足太ぺんた様(sm28034230) ☆撮影・編集:YSよっちー様 マイリスト⇒mylist/44634932 ☆愁-syu- マイリスト⇒mylist/63754652 Twitter⇒ ☆ちゅんた(本日の主役) マイリス→mylist/65982857 Twitter⇒ ☆Special Thanks‼☆ 協力してくださった皆様、 ありがとうございました!!! 09/
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