
Texas Hold’em Poker\ 3:34 The GameRound Class IV Finishing Up Community Cards Logic 21:51 Running the Code Again 28:12 The HighCardValidator Class 56:36 TheNoCardsValidator Class 1:07:06 The PairValidator Class 1:29:57 The TwoPairValidator Class 1:48:05 Refactoring the Existing Validators 1:57:18 The ThreeOfAKindValidator Class 2:11:07 The StraightValidator Class I 2:36:08 The StraightValidator Class II 2:46:01 The FlushValidator Class 3:03:10 The FullHouseValidator Class 3:19:11 The FourOfAKindValidator Class 3:30:38 The StraightFlushValidator Class I 3:46:44 The StraightFlushValidator Class II 4:03:00 The RoyalFlushValidator Class 4:21:44 Refactoring the Hand Class 4:41:52 Calculating the Winner Expressions (RegEx)\ 5:10:27 Search for Text with a Pattern Object 5:22:03 Search for Text at Beginning of String with match Method 5:24:57 The findall and finditer Methods 5:28:53 Module Level RegEx Functions 5:31:33 Review of Raw Strings 5:34:12 Search for Digit and Non-Digit Characters 5:40:33 Search for Word and Non-Word Characters 5:42:27 Search for Whitespace and Non-Whitespace Characters 5:43:34 Search for Word Boundaries 5:46:57 Metacharacters The Dot 5:50:13 Metacharacters Square Brackets with Characters 5:54:51 Declare Number of Matches with Curly Braces I 5:58:41 Declare Number of Matches with Curly Braces II 6:05:06 Search for One or More of a Character 6:08:05 Matching One Character or Another Environments\ 6:11:43 Introduction to PyPi and Python Packages 6:23:37 Introduction to pip and Virtual Environments 6:33:34 MacOS-Create, Activate, and Deactivate Virtual Environment 6:47:25 Windows-Create, Activate, and Deactivate Virtual Environment 6:59:32 Install Python Packages with pip3 7:11:06 Uninstall Python Packages with pip 7:14:52 Install Specific Version of Package or Upgrade Package 7:19:52 Create File Scraping with Scrapy\ 7:29:30 Intro to Web Scraping and Installing Scrapy 7:35:42 Create Scrapy Project 7:40:46 Write First Scrapy Spider 7:56:18 A Small Refactor 7:59:25 A Quick Introduction to HTML and CSS 8:10:40 The Scrapy Shell 8:27:56 Writing to JSON File 8:34:18 CHALLENGE Add Book Prices to File 8:41:46 Scraping Sequential Pages \ 8:55:49 Congratulations
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